Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Valentines day

From a young age, I have always been skeptical of Valentines day. My father always told me, "Son, when you get a little older never start dating a girl between Thanksgiving and Valentines day, if you do you will be one broke SOB." As I clicked "confirm order" on I realized he was right. Out of all the B.S. holidays, Valentines day is by far the worst. Do I not show love and affection, every other day of the year? The only reason I actually do anything for Valentines day is out of fear that my significant other will be upset with me.

Why does valentines day have to be about her? Why cant it be about the man. If Valentines day were about the man, the advertisements would be black and there would be red flames in all of the commercials. Instead of buying jewlry, women would buy tickets to sporting events. Im not saying we should reinvent the holiday, i'm just saying we need to reevaluate the male role in the equation.


  1. I completely agree.If I started getting gifts I would like this whole thing a lot more. Guys really only can mess up in this situation.

  2. I agree as well, my dad warned me similarly and I always chuckle when I see that people start dating right before Valentine's Day, seems like your setting yourself up for disaster.

  3. There's definitely a lot of male resentment in the blog posts for today! It's certainly understandable to some degree: it is basically undeniable that the holiday is one in which men feel obligations, which is never fun, and women seem to be the recipient of those obligations.

    But I wonder if it is so simple. Certainly women have non-financial obligations imposed on them, and many no doubt do end up also buying gifts for their significant others. I doubt that feminists are particularly happy about the holiday, for it promotes the idea that men are active and women should be passive recipients.

    It would be interesting to get some data broken down by gender (and sexual orientation, which is another angle we haven't considered) regarding views of the holiday. I wouldn't be surprised is there were gender differences, but I also wouldn't be surprised if men and women were more similar in their views that we might expect.
